Posts tagged heaven
Galatians 3:15-29

Through God’s grace, and Christ’s redeeming work on the cross for our sins, we no longer have to live under the law. Through faith, we are no longer imprisoned, but our sin is now imprisoned as we get to live free in Christ.

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Finding Our Significance in Jesus

We desire to truly live as people who have been set free and rescued into the Kingdom of God! Living as the church who has been transformed and finds her significance in Jesus will bring restoration to people around her. As each of us is living out this mission at Restoration, we will join with all other Christians around the world to eventually bring glory to Jesus everywhere.

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The Kingdom-minded Church

The Kingdom of God, which we can only have through Jesus Christ, is worth far more than anything we have possessed or ever will. Let’s not lose sight of our eternal inheritance through keeping our focus on the King and His Kingdom.

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Colossians 3:1-4

As we set our hearts and minds to be with Jesus, let our hearts be the compass that points toward Jesus and our minds be the path that takes us to be with our King Jesus. Let’s encourage each other to be steadfast and stay on course in the knowledge that we are always protected by the mighty King of the universe.

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